Regular price $325.00
On June 26, 1909 at Coffroth's Arena in San Francisco lightweights "Fighting" Dick Hyland and Leach Cross met in an important division matchup. Hyland prevailed knocking Cross out in the 41st round. Cross was floored 15 times, and after the 25th round fought only on the defensive. In the 40th round, Cross took the count on 3 occasions, the bell saving him from defeat. In the 41st, a punch drove Cross through the ropes and into the laps of the newspaper men, who pushed him back into the ring, he was flattened again. The next blow landed to the pit of the stomach and folded Cross up like a leaf, and he lay unconscious while he was counted out. His seconds carried his prostrate form to the dressing room. Offered here is a rare, original, first generation photograph taken by the notable Dana Studios depicting the two fighters squaring off in the ring before the fight.
This is an original, first generation photograph with the raised Dana stamp at lower center border. Bold, clear image. Clean. No stains. Two small pin holes in right corners. Paper on back from being mounted in an album. 5 1/8" x 8."
This is an original, first generation photograph with the raised Dana stamp at lower center border. Bold, clear image. Clean. No stains. Two small pin holes in right corners. Paper on back from being mounted in an album. 5 1/8" x 8."
Size: 5 1/8 x 8
Condition: excellent