Regular price $145.00
Harry Markson was involved in the promotion of boxing matches for 40 years, from the time of Joe Louis to the time of Muhammad Ali. Born in Kingston, New York, Markson graduated from Union College and worked as a sportswriter for the Bronx Home News. In 1933, he became a part-time publicity man for Madison Square Garden. Four years later, he became publicity director for promoter Mike Jacobs and his 20th Century Sporting Club. At that time, Jacobs was the premier promoter in boxing, handling Joe Louis's fights and other major New York bouts. In 1948, Jacobs made Markson managing director of the 20th Century Sporting Club. When the International Boxing Club (IBC), controlled by James Norris, replaced Jacobs and 20th Century as the promotional entity at Madison Square Garden, Markson took a top position with the IBC. An anti-trust ruling eventually forced Norris to untangle himself from a web of interlocking entities, and Markson became the top executive in charge of boxing for the Madison Square Garden Corporation. In 1968, he became president of Madison Square Garden Boxing, Inc. He held that position until 1973, when he retired to a consulting position. James Leslie 'Jimmy' Jacobs (February 18, 1930 – March 23, 1988) was an American handball player, boxing manager, Academy Award nominee and comic book and fight film collector. Both Jacobs and Markson are members of the International Boxing Hall Of Fame. Offered here is an original, one page letter agreement between Jimmy Jacobs and Harry Markson for Madision Square Garden in which Jacobs is allowed to film the match between Floyd Patterson and George Chuvalo. Boldly signed by Jimmy Jacobs and Harry Markson.
This is a one page, typed, letter agreement on thin paper. Bold type. Clean. Bold ink signatures. Has original folds. Minor edge wear. 8 1/2" x 11."
This is a one page, typed, letter agreement on thin paper. Bold type. Clean. Bold ink signatures. Has original folds. Minor edge wear. 8 1/2" x 11."
Size: 8 1/2 x 11
Condition: excellent