Regular price $325.00
On July 16, 1928 at Artillery Park in Wiles Barre, Pennsylvania NYSAC World Light Heavyweight Champion Tommy Loughran defended his title against Pete Latzo, the former welterweight champion. LLoughra won a unanimous ten round decision. Loughran got off to a good start in the first three rounds, using his left jab effectively against Latzo who stuggled to get going until the end of the 2nd round. Latzo had a strong 4th round, but was stung with a low blow, while Loughran was cut along his right cheek and over his right eye. Loughran bouned back with a strong 5th round, as Latzo's energy waned. Latzo held Loughran even in the 6th round, and carried the 7th round, with a last minute rally. The last three rounds were less clear according to the Wilkes-Barre Record, with the last round being the slowest of the bout. The Associated Press scored the bout 5-4-1 for Loughran, while the Wilkes-Barre Record also favored Loughran 5-3-2. The Scranton Times favored Loughran 7-3. Loughran's guarantee was $25,000. Latzo's guarantee was $7,500. Offered here is a rare, original, official program for this event.
This is an original, official program which consists of 32 pages complete including covers. Not scored. Includes photos and comparisons of the fighters. Slight separation of covers, but binding is still well intact. No center crease. Edge, corner and surface wear, Generally clean. 7" x 10 1/2."
This is an original, official program which consists of 32 pages complete including covers. Not scored. Includes photos and comparisons of the fighters. Slight separation of covers, but binding is still well intact. No center crease. Edge, corner and surface wear, Generally clean. 7" x 10 1/2."
Size: 7 x 10 1/2
Condition: very good