Regular price $85.00
HISTORY: Billy Petrolle was born on January 10, 1905 in Berwick, Pennsylvania. Nicknamed "The Fargo Express", Petrolle is perhaps best known for challenging World Lightweight Title holder Tony Canzoneri. In 1932 the two met for the World Lightweight Title, and Canzoneri was "squarely at his peak: a Canzoneri so magnificently conditioned, so beautifully attuned that even the old-timers at the ringside admitted he was worthy to stand alongside the lightweight giants of the past." (United Press). Petrolle dropped a decision in the bout at Madison Square Garden. It is said he had fought some 255 bouts. He also fought Jack Berg, Jimmy McLarnin, and Sammy Mandell during his career. Petrolle retired during the Great Depression with $200,000 and an iron foundry in Duluth, Minnesota. He later owned a religious goods and gift shop in Duluth, and was the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Pioneer National Bank. Offered here is an ink signature of Billy Petrolle.
FULL DESCRIPTION: This is an ink signature of Billy Petrolle which has been taped with clear tape to the back of a postcard. Signed, "Billy Petrolle 32 West 1st Duluth, Minn." Not creased or torn. Clean. Signature is 1 1/4" x 3 1/2."
Size: 1 1/4 x 3 1/2
Condition: very good