JO Sports Inc.
HISTORY: On January 29, 1973 at the Convention Center in Anaheim, California Mike Quarry and Ray White fought for the California State Light Heavyweight Title. Mike Quarry won a unanimous 12 round decision.
"Mike Quarry won a 12 round unanimous decision over Ray "Windmill" White Monday night at the Anaheim Convention Center. White scored on right hand counters off Quarry's lefts and managed to keep his 21 year old foe at long range most of the fight but ended up with a mouse under his right eye." -Long Beach Independent
- Unofficial Long Beach Independent scorecard - 7-5 Quarry
- Unofficial Pasadena Star-News scorecard - 8-3 Quarry
Post fight comments
- "If I did any of my funny stuff he immediately went down low and came in, so I had to get my hands together in a hurry. I did bite him once and he complained about it, but that was after he thumbed me in the eye." -Ray White
- "I'm not gonna put up with any more of that shit!" -Referee Chuck Hassett, warning Quarry and White during the 10th round thumbing and biting episode
- Attendance - 6,805
- Gate - $45,150
Offered here is a rare, original, official program for this event.
FULL DESCRIPTION: This is an original, official program which names and pictures the fighters on the cover. 8 pages complete including covers. Mild center crease. No tears. One fight result is written on the score page. Minor soiling on back cover. 5 1/2" x 8 1/2."
Rare, the only we have seen.