Regular price $25,000.00
John L. Sullivan was born on October 15, 1858 in Roxbury, Boston, MA. He is the link between bare knuckles and glove fighting and is considered to be one of the best heavyweights ever. He held the undisputed World Heavyweight Boxing Championship for ten years, winning it in 1882 from Paddy Ryan and losing it in 1892 to James J. Corbett. Other notable fighters he fought and defeated included Jake Kilrain, Charlie Mitchell and Dominic McCaffrey. Presented here is a stone lithograph of John L. Sullivan. This color lithograph was done by Metropolitan Print of New York in 1892.
This color stone lithograph pictures John L. Sullivan as he looked in 1892 after losing his title to James J. Corbett. He held the title for 10 years as noted on the lithograph. Superb color. No creases, rips or tears. Professionally framed. Clean. 27" x 33."
This color stone lithograph pictures John L. Sullivan as he looked in 1892 after losing his title to James J. Corbett. He held the title for 10 years as noted on the lithograph. Superb color. No creases, rips or tears. Professionally framed. Clean. 27" x 33."
Size: 27 x 33
Condition: near mint